About us.

Joyful Montessori was created from the simple desire for infants, toddlers and preschoolers to be heard and respected for their capabilities and full potential.

We  offer children from 2 months to 6 years of age and their parents opportunities for hands-on learning within a supportive Montessori prepared environment. We offer Montessori Parent-Child Programs and School Readiness Programs.

Our mission is to create a nurturing, stimulating and joyful environment guided by the principles and framework of Dr. Maria Montessori.

Our goal is to work together to create an enriched start to childhood. We are here to support families on  finding strategies to best support the whole development of their child during these crucial years of life. What happens  in the first six years are critical to who that child will become  later on in life.

We encourage independence by providing activities and materials that children choose for themselves at their own pace. Each activity is specifically designed for the individual’s child development. We believe education is more than academics, it prepares the child for life.

Our environment and Early Learning Programs have been prepared with love and care for children – a home away from home, to reach their fullest potential.

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In a Montessori environment, the child has the freedom to select their own activities, to work on them for as long as they choose and where they would like to work with them. It is carefully designed with hands-on learning materials and activities aimed to prepare the child, not just for school, but for life. The activities focus on motor and social skills, to assist with future reading and writing and basic numeracy and to grow into a capable, confident young person eager to explore the world around them.

The environment is divided into five learning areas: Practical LifeSensorialLanguage, Culture, Art + Music and Mathematical